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The CYCLE and EXIT statements specify that the remaining statements in the current iteration of a particular active (enclosing) DO loop are to be skipped.

TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards 2025

The competition aims to recognize outstanding innovation and encourage companies to explore cutting-edge technologies and develop high-quality products. The ...

[PDF] Fortran

if(j == 2) cycle loop2 if(i == 2) exit loop1 write(*,”(t2,A1,I3,A1,I3,A1)”) '(',i,',',j,')' end do loop2 end do loop1 stop end program ex0608 output: (1,1) ...

IfElse Logic

If/Else Logic. Using If/Else​. Cycle has the ability to use If / Else / ElsIf structures. The basic syntax of an if statement is shown in the following diagram.

for cycle and if statements - javascript

The second if is another statement that does not belong to the for loop. If you want for the second if statement to belong to the for loop, you need to use {} ...


cycle. cycle. 「環」。頭尾循環的路徑。大家習慣令點與邊不可重複。 loop · negative weight cycle. negative weight cycle ( negative cycle ). 「負環」。權重為負值的環 ...

What is the difference between a cycle if and while?

The main difference is that while is a loop, i.e. it is run until the condition is satisfied, while if stops in every case. The two commands have the same ...


The IF series were designed not only to fold quickly, but to ride like full-sized bikes. Fast acceleration, responsive braking, great handling and tight turning ...


IF MODE 簡單的極致・低調的奢華太平洋自行車在2009年正式推出以“Two wheels with a handle” 為概念所打造的IF系列車款。整合了各種折疊概念及功能,iF 即整合性折疊 ...


TheCYCLEandEXITstatementsspecifythattheremainingstatementsinthecurrentiterationofaparticularactive(enclosing)DOlooparetobeskipped.,Thecompetitionaimstorecognizeoutstandinginnovationandencouragecompaniestoexplorecutting-edgetechnologiesanddevelophigh-qualityproducts.The ...,if(j==2)cycleloop2if(i==2)exitloop1write(*,”(t2,A1,I3,A1,I3,A1)”)'(',i,',',j,')'enddoloop2enddoloop1stopendprogramex0608ou...